Tex-Mex Fajitas - Often served with overly processed ingredients and heavy on the cheese, these can sometimes be far from authentic Mexican fare.
Chimichangas - Deep-fried burritos can be overly greasy and may not align with traditional Mexican cooking methods.
Nachos - Often loaded with cheese and toppings that can be heavy and less authentic to traditional Mexican cuisine.
Americanized Burritos - These might be stuffed with non-traditional ingredients like large amounts of cheese and sour cream.
Beef Tacos with Hard Shells - Hard taco shells are more of an American invention and might not represent traditional Mexican street food.
Taco Salad - Often served in a fried tortilla bowl and topped with heavy dressing, this dish can be more about presentation than authenticity.
Frozen Margaritas - Often loaded with artificial flavorings and sugar, these may not reflect traditional Mexican drink practices.