11 Best Companion Plants For Sunflowers


Marigolds are excellent companion plants for sunflowers due to their pest-repelling properties. They can deter nematodes.


Cucumbers benefit from the shade provided by tall sunflowers, which helps to keep the soil moist and cool. 


Beans and sunflowers make a great pair as the sunflowers provide a natural trellis for climbing bean varieties.  


Squash plants, with their large leaves, provide ground cover that helps retain soil moisture and suppress weeds. 


Corn and sunflowers can be planted together to create a tall, visually striking garden. Both plants thrive in similar conditions.


Lettuce benefits from the shade cast by tall sunflowers, especially in hot climates. The cooler, shaded environment helps prevent lettuce from bolting too quickly.


Tomatoes can grow well alongside sunflowers as the sunflowers provide some shade and protection from the wind. 


Herbs like basil, mint, and dill can attract beneficial insects and pollinators to the garden. Basil and mint can also help repel certain pests.

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