30 food items that you might not know are banned in America

Kinder Surprise Eggs - These popular chocolate eggs contain a toy inside, which poses a choking hazard. The U.S. bans the sale of any candy that has embedded toys or trinkets.

Beluga Caviar - Importation of Beluga caviar has been banned in the U.S. since 2005 due to overfishing and the resulting threat to the survival of the Beluga sturgeon.

Haggis - Traditional Scottish haggis is banned in the U.S. because it contains sheep lung, an ingredient that is not allowed in food products in the United States.

Horse Meat - Although not specifically illegal at the federal level, the slaughter of horses for human consumption is effectively banned in the U.S. through legislation that prohibits the inspection of such facilities, which is required for selling meat.

Sassafras Oil - Once a common ingredient in root beer, sassafras oil was banned for use in commercially mass-produced foods and drugs because it contains safrole, a carcinogen.

Ackee Fruit - While not entirely banned, ackee fruit can only be legally imported into the U.S. under strict regulations. 

Shark Fins - The sale and possession of shark fins are banned in 12 U.S. states and three territories to combat shark finning, a practice severely impacting shark populations.