Akita - Known for its deep loyalty and protective nature, often forming a strong bond with one person.
Basenji - This breed is known for its loyalty to one person and is very independent, making a close bond with their chosen owner.
Cocker Spaniel - Cocker Spaniels are affectionate and tend to form strong attachments to their primary caregiver.
German Shepherd - Highly loyal and protective, German Shepherds often develop a strong bond with their primary owner.
Chihuahua - This small breed is known for its intense loyalty to one person, often following them everywhere.
Border Collie - Intelligent and devoted, Border Collies are known for their loyalty to their primary owner and close bond.
Shiba Inu - Known for their independent nature, Shiba Inus can be extremely loyal to their one chosen person.
Dachshund - Dachshunds often show a strong attachment to one person and are known for their affectionate nature.