6 Best Ways to Earn Interest On Your Money 2024

High-Yield Savings Account Open a high-yield savings account to earn higher interest rates than traditional savings accounts.

Certificates of Deposit (CDs) Invest in CDs, which offer fixed interest rates for a specified term, often with higher returns than savings accounts.

Money Market Account These accounts offer competitive interest rates and are typically more accessible than CDs.

Treasury Bond Invest in U.S. Treasury bonds, which are low-risk and provide interest over a fixed period.

Corporate Bond Purchase corporate bonds to earn interest from lending money to companies.

Municipal Bond Invest in municipal bonds issued by local governments to earn tax-free interest income.

Peer-to-Peer Lending Lend money through peer-to-peer lending platforms and earn interest from borrowers.

Dividend-Paying Stock Invest in stocks that pay regular dividends, providing a steady stream of income.