7 Sneaky Insults Disguised as Compliments You Never Noticed

"You're smarter than you look." This implies that the person doesn't appear intelligent, despite being so

"You're pretty for your age." This suggests that the person looks good considering their age

"You're so brave to wear that outfit." Implies that the outfit is unusual or unflattering, and wearing it requires courage

"You're quite articulate for someone from your background." This implies surprise that the person can speak well given their background

"You're really funny for a girl." Suggests surprise that a woman can be funny, as if it's unusual

"You're so confident; I wish I didn't care what people thought like you." Implies that the person is overly concerned about others' opinions

"You look great! Have you lost weight?" While it may seem like a compliment, it implies that the person looked worse before

"You're so ambitious; it's almost intimidating." Implies that the person's ambition is excessive