9 Assorted Facts Like a Donut Box of Knowledge
The Eiffel Tower Grows Taller in Summer
The Eiffel Tower can be 15 cm taller in hot weather due to iron expansion.
Bananas Are Berries, Strawberries Aren't
Botanically, bananas are berries, but strawberries aren't.
Octopuses Have Three Hearts
Two hearts pump blood to the gills, and the third pumps it to the body.
Leap Year Every Four Years
A leap year occurs every four years, with an extra day on February 29.
Honey Never Spoils
Honey found in ancient tombs is still edible due to its low moisture and acidic pH.
Sharks Are Older Than Trees
Sharks have existed for 400 million years, predating trees by 50 million years.
Shortest War Lasted 38 Minutes
The Anglo-Zanzibar War in 1896 lasted just 38 minutes.
A Day on Venus is Longer Than a Year
Venus takes longer to rotate on its axis than to orbit the sun.
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