Capricorns are goal-oriented and don't require help. Astrologer and spiritual healer Emily Newman
Because they appreciate professional autonomy, many Capricorns are freelancers or company owners.
Geminis like partying and mingling, but they don't always consider others. They "always act in their own best interests
"Brilliant and talented at achieving their goals without depending on anyone," Newman says of this indication.
Virgos are analytical. They think only they can accomplish things flawlessly. "The Virgo personality chooses to act independently
Newman says Virgo "set boundaries to prevent people from taking advantage of them."
Sagittarians "highly experienced at preserving interpersonal bonds, so they don't panic when faced with dangers or obstacles since they have confidence in their ability."
This sign doesn't care what others think. They're proud of their crazy notions. Newman believes Aquarius
Aries are independent, following their intuition. They make rash judgments without consulting friends or family and don't