There is great variety among mushrooms. While crimini mushrooms are sometimes used as a garnish for pasta, certain species are highly poisonous.
The toxin Glycoalkaloid found in the leaves of the delicious red fruit is known to cause diarrhea, abdominal cramping, and anxiety. Avoid touching the stems and leaves.
Although rhubarb leaves are poisonous and can cause respiratory problems, seizures, kidney failure, and even death, the plant is used in many baked goods.
Peanut allergies are extremely frequent. Anaphylaxis, the most extreme reaction, can cause airway constriction, shock, and even coma if not treated immediately.
Although the stems and leaves of potatoes are poisonous, eating them usually doesn't end in disaster. Green potatoes and potato leaf tea account for the vast majority of fatalities associated with potatoes.
This seed (no, it isn't actually a nut) may pack in many health benefits — but they are also potentially full of poison. Cynaide can be found in abundance in raw bitter almonds.
Keep an eye on your kids as they scarf down this ballpark staple because they are the most common cause of deadly choking in youngsters.