You may be well aware of the external changes to your body as you age, such as the appearance of wrinkles and weight gain. However, doctors warn that age-related changes on the inside might be just as pronounced as those on the outside.
Just "jump, squat, march, and raise those arms," he instructs. "Exercise is the closest thing we have to a miracle drug because of the myriad positive effects it has on our bodies and minds," the author writes.
According to Kaiser, "the farmacy is where you will find the best medicine," and the foods we consume have a major impact on our overall health and wellbeing.
"Just paying attention to your breathing and giving thanks for the gift of life can set off a very positive chain reaction in our mind and body," says Kaiser.
"Social isolation and loneliness have negative health impacts comparable to obesity, physical inactivity, and smoking 15 cigarettes a day," writes Kaiser, who also adds that they are related with a roughly 50% increased risk of dementia.
Kaiser advises keeping to a regular sleep pattern if feasible, which involves turning off electronics at a certain time, dimming the lights, and cooling the house down.
Kaiser tells Best Life that maintaining an interest in a hobby is another way to stave off cognitive impairment.