The Least Helpful Zodiac Sign

They aren't the kind to go out of their way to assist, and if they do, you can bet they'll grumble the whole time. Although they might simply be enjoying a day of laziness, astrology may have a hand in it.

These air signs are quickly distracted and disengaged from the activity at hand if they are allowed to become bored. They will have a favorable outlook if they are already involved in a project,.


Sagittarius, like Gemini, dislikes being confined for too long. Those with the Archer's birthday place a premium on independence and like making frequent moves.




They tend to prioritize their own wants and needs and avoid taking on responsibilities that won't pay off for them in the end. Cancerians have a hard time opening up to others when they need help.


The sign of Aries is known for its fierce individualism. Because of this, they can't fathom the necessity for assistance with tasks that they themselves can complete.


Capricorn is a sign that is focused on the individual. They can be difficult to work with because they are so focused on their own achievement, as Marquardt puts it.


While Pisces are experts at understanding your feelings, they flounder when it comes to finding practical solutions. When "conflict is presented," they become "incredibly passive," as described by Marquardt.


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