Savannah cats are a hybrid of a domestic cat and a serval, a wild African cat. They are known for their striking appearance.
Bengals have a distinctive wild appearance with their spotted or marbled coat. Prices range from $3,000 to $5,000.
One of the rarest and most exotic breeds, the Ashera is a hybrid of the African serval, the Asian leopard cat, and a domestic housecat.
Known for their unique appearance and affectionate nature, Peterbalds are a hairless breed that can cost between $1,700 to $3,000.
Persians are known for their long, luxurious coats and sweet personalities. They can cost between $3,000 to $5,000.
Sphynx cats are famous for their hairless bodies and large ears. They are affectionate and love attention, costing between $1,500 to $3,000.
One of the largest domesticated cat breeds, Maine Coons have a friendly and sociable nature.
Scottish Folds are known for their unique folded ears and sweet temperament. Prices can range from $1,500 to $3,000.